prof. Minasov
Bulat Shamilyevich
- Country
- Russian Federation
- Scientific degree and title
- Professor, MD, PhD
- Honorary title and regalia
- Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Technology
- Affiliation/Occupation
- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bashkir State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
- Position
- Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics with Course of Post Graduate Education
- Most significant scientific works
- Orthopaedic DAMAGE-CONTROL in pelvic injuries in patients with polytrauma / Khanin M. Yu., Minasov B. Sh., Minasov T. B., Yakupov R. R., Zagitov B. G.// Practical Medicine. 2011. No. 6 (54). P. 122-125.
- Wedging interbody vertebral distractor/ Minasov B. Sh., Galikeev M. F., Gallyamov Sh. I. // patent for invention RUS 2225183 12.09.2001
- Analysis of post-implantation changes in the components of the hip joint endoprostheses based on 3D laser microscopy / Yakupov R. R., Minasov B. Sh., Sisanbaev A. V., Khairov T. E., Sirodzhov K. Kh., Karimov K. K., Emaev I. I. // Laser medicine. 2016. V. 20. No. 2. P. 49-54.
- Direction of scientific activity
- Clinical medicine:
- Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Disaster Medicine
Scientometric indicators
- h-index (RSCI)
- 8
- Total number of articles (RSCI)
- more than 140
- Total number of citations (RSCI)
- more than 360