Professional medical scientific journal.
Alternative name: «Vestnik of SSMA»
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Smolensk State Medical University» under the Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation.
Contact information of founder and publisher:
Kruspskoy str., 28
Smolensk, Smolensk region, 214019, Russia
Phone: +7 (4812) 55-02-75
Fax: +7 (4812) 52-01-51
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
“Vestnik of the Smolensk State Medical Academy” is registered in the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. Registration certificate PI № FS77-67864 dated December 6, 2016.
International registration - ISSN 2225-6016
prof. Roman S. Kozlov, MD, PhD, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), rector of the Smolensk State Medical University (Smolensk, Russia)
Editor’s-in-Chief contact information:
Kruspskoy str., 28
Smolensk, Smolensk region, 214019, Russia
Phone: +7 (4812) 55-02-75
Fax: +7 (4812) 52-01-51
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- publication of research papers of doctoral and PhD students, young scientists, teaching and research staff members, scientists and practitioners in the field of fundamental, clinical and preventive medicine as well as pharmacy in the Russian Federation and abroad with an emphasis of the Republic of Belarus;
- formation of information-scientific environment, exchange of scientific results among the members of the world scientific community, highlighting current promising fields of medicine and pharmacy, ensuring an exchange of views between researches from various regions and countries.
The journal was founded in 2002. In 2002-2011, the journal was issued in the electronic edition. Since 2011 “Vestnik of Smolensk State Medical Academy” is issued in the printed version. Since 2015, the journal enters the list of leading Russian peer-viewed scientific journals and publications, recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of a doctor and candidate of science. The journal is included in the system of the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINC).
The journal pursues
an open access policy to peer-viewed electronic research publications thus ensuring an improvement in information-scientific exchange as well as in scientific citing and consequently, to higher efficacy of the authors, publishing their papers in the journal.
Electronic version including full-text papers in the archive is available on the Internet :
- on the web-site of the journal;
- in Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU);
- in Scientific Electronic Library (CyberLeninka).
Publication ethics:
According to the international regulatory standards accepted by leading publishing houses, the editorial board of the journal approved ethical principles, which are obligatory to follow for all participants enrolled in the publishing process: authors, editorial board and council, peers, editors and publisher.
Scientific categories of the journal (scientific fields):
14.00.00 Medical sciences
- group of specializations 14.01.00 Clinical medicine
- group of specializations 14.02.00 Preventive medicine
- group of specializations 14.03.00 Medical and biological sciences
- group of specializations 14.04.00 Pharmacy
All publications are free of charge
Form of periodical distribution: periodical printed issue – journal
Publication frequency: 4 times per year
Circulation: 900 copies
Language of full-text version – Russian; abstracts – Russian and English
The subscription index in the catalog of the "Pressa Rossii" agency is 43 864e
Distribution: Russian, Belarus
Publisher’s and Editorial Board’s address:
Smolensk State Medical University under the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
(the Department for Research or the Department of Physiology),
28 Krupskoy St., Smolensk, Smolensk region, 214019, Russia
- phone: +7 (4812) 55-02-75;
- fax: +7 (4812) 52-01-51;
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- email for business correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (A.I. Danilov)
- phone: +7 (4812) 55-47-22 (A.V. Evseev);
- phone/fax: +7 (4812)55-31-96 (V.V. Bekezin);