Pereverzev V.A., Sikorsky A.V., Blazhko A.S., Evseev A.V., Pravdivtsev V.A., Welcome M.O., Razvodovsky Yu.E., Aleksandrov D.A., Pereverzeva E.V.
UDC: 612.352.12-008.9-055.2
Abstract: Objective. To study the glucose content in whole capillary and whole venous blood (including the capillary-venous difference), obtained from the same hand (non-working, non-leading) in subjects to assess the state of their local mechanisms maintaining the proper level of glycemia under various physiological conditions (hunger and satiety). Methods. The study was performed with the participation of 24 women aged 18-29 years who gave voluntarily informed written consent to participate in it. The study consisted in studying the level of glucose in the capillaries and the level of glucose in the veins in all 24 women under various physiological conditions: hunger (with relative functional rest and mental work on an empty stomach) and saturation (after oral intake of 75 g of glucose in conditions of relative functional rest). Each study involved from 1 to 3 subjects, as well as a doctor and a nurse. Before the start of the study, all respondents were placed a catheter in the median cubital vein of the non-working arm. The study was conducted on an empty stomach after 10-12 hours of overnight fasting. Capillary glucose and venous glucose were measured 11 times each: initially on an empty stomach (under conditions of relative functional rest and starvation); six times during mental work on an empty stomach after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours from its beginning (in conditions of mental work and fasting); four times during an oral glucose tolerance test under conditions of relative functional rest and saturation (30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after taking 75 g of glucose dissolved in 250 ml of water). In addition to determining the absolute indicators of capillary and venous glucose, additionally under the same conditions (relative functional rest and starvation; mental work and starvation; (relative functional rest and saturation), the capillary-venous difference was calculated to judge the state of local mechanisms for maintaining the proper level of glycemia. Results. Analysis of the initial content of capillary and venous glucose in all 24 subjects on an empty stomach (under fasting conditions with relative functional rest) and its dynamics during mental work showed a decrease in glycemia by 0.05 mM (p> 0.05) -0.37 mM (p˂0.05) for capillary glucose and by 0.14 mM (p>0.05) -0.30 mM (p˂0.05) for venous glucose, as well as in total for all 48 samples (24 samples of capillary glucose + 24 venous glucose sample) after: 1 h -0.13±0.10 mM (p>0.05); 2 h -0.23±0.10 mM (р˂0.05); 3 h -0.12±0.10 mM (p>0.05); 4 h -0.27±0.11 mM (р˂0.05); 5 h -0.33±0.11 mM (р˂0.05); 6 h -0.26±0.10 mM (p˂0.05) These results confirmed the well-known facts about the role of glucose as an energy substrate for the work of the central nervous system, the need for which increases significantly during mental work, and the possibilities of replenishing it during fasting are limited, which leads to a decrease in the level of glycemia significantly expressed after 2, 4, 5 and 6 h mental work on an empty stomach. Analysis of all 264 cases of individual comparison of capillary glucose and venous glucose (24 comparisons/times ×11 times = 264 cases of comparison) showed that the "GKAP˂GVEN" variant significantly prevailed over the others: 2.04 times (р˂0.05) over “GKAP˃GVEN” and 7.71 times (р˂0.001) over “GKAP=GVEN”. The obtained facts indicate that in 61.7% of cases in the whole venous blood flowing from the non-working arm, the glucose content increases compared to the blood flowing to it (“GKAP˂ GVEN”), which allows us to consider the cells of this part of the body as before. an unknown, new source of endogenous glucose in the blood, providing an important local mechanism for maintaining the proper level of glycemia during fasting. The calculated contribution of this new source (the local mechanism of release of glucose into the blood from the cells of the non-working hand) in maintaining the proper level of glycemia ranged from 8.2% to 26.0% (p<0.05). Conclusion. A significant decrease in the glucose content in the whole blood of young women was revealed during mental work on an empty stomach after 2.4-6 hours from its onset compared with the initial level of glycemia in the same subjects in a state of relative functional rest. An important local mechanism for maintaining the proper level of glycemia under various physiological conditions of a person has been established, which consists in the participation of cells (endotheliocytes and, possibly, others) of the non-working hand in it, as a new independent source (main and / or intermediate) of the supply of glucose into the blood during fasting, calculated whose contribution was 8.2-26.0% (р˂0.05).
Key words: глюкоза, гликемия, регуляция, голод, насыщение, умственная работа
Vasyukov V.A., Vorotnikov A.A., Airapetov G.A., Chekrygin S.Yu., Yatsukova V.E.
UDC: 617.583:616.72-018.3-089.844
Abstract: Objective. Analyze the results of the morphological study of the experimental material. On the basis of comparison of the results, to evaluate the effectiveness of the combined method of treatment of full-thickness osteochondral defects of the knee joint using intra-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP-therapy) after microfracturing in the experiment. Methods. the study was carried out on 27 experimental animals (sheep of the Romanov breed, aged from 5 month to 1 years, weighing from 20 to 35 kg), conventionally divided into 3 experimental groups of 9 animals. Intraoperatively, a full-thickness focal defect of the hyaline cartilage was modeled with the capture of the superficial part of the subchondral bone 5.0 mm in diameter along the inner surface of the femoral condyle of both hind limbs. In the first group, an osteochondral defect of the left knee joint was performed with microfracturing, in the right knee joint, an osteochondral defect was not subjected to other influences. In the second group, a defect of the left knee joint was performed, microfracturing with the introduction of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and a defect in the femoral condyle was performed on the right. In the third group on the left, an osteochondral defect was performed. Results. Comparative analysis of the results after 1, 3, 6 months of clinical and morphological changes in the three clinical-experimental groups showed that in the third experimental group, the regeneration of cartilage tissue occurs more intensively. Conclusions. The most effective method for treating osteochondral defects of the knee joint was the combined method using microfracturing using intra-articular PRP during the period of regression of inflammatory processes and relief of postoperative hemarthrosis in the knee joint.
Key words: хрящ, рассекающий остеохондрит, болезнь Кенига, PRP, остеохондральный дефект, тромбоцитарные факторы
Dmitriev I.V., Ignatova N.B., Abrosimov S.Yu., Bunkov K.V., Kireeva O.K.
UDC: 616-091.0
Abstract: Objective: Clarify the nature and degree of significance of comorbid pathology for patients who died from COVID-19. Methods . A retrospective, non-randomized, comparative comprehensive analysis of the materials of 944 protocols of pathoanatomical autopsies those who died from COVID-19 in 2020-2022 and were examined in the Department of Clinical Pathology No. 2 and the Department of Infectious Pathology of the Smolensk Regional Institute of Pathology, as well as 944 protocols of pathoanatomical autopsies those who died in 2017-2019 and were examined in the same departments of the Smolensk Regional Institute of Pathology . At the same time, coronavirus infection appeared in the "Underlying disease" section, both in monocausal and bicausal types of diagnoses. Consequently, the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 either played a leading role in death or was significant in thanatogenesis, including progress of fatal complications. Analysis of the protocols has included the research of macroscopic and microscopic changes. The first group for the research was formed by a continuous sample of deceased patients with a positive result on SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR-test) in life or posthumously. Clinically significant and morphologically confirmed pathological processes have been taken into consideration. Results. Among those who died from COVID-19, 44% (415 people) were women and 56% (529 people) were men. The average age of the deceased women in this group was 73.5 ± 13.48 years; in deceased men - 66.4 ± 12.42 years. Among those who died without COVID-19, women were 57% (538 people) and men 43% (406 people); the average age of the women who died was 78.1 ± 14.91 years; in deceased men - 67.22 ± 12.22 years. In the group with COVID-19, there were more common: obesity by 2.6 times, diabetes and coronary heart disease by 1.7 times, the consequences of a stroke by 6.4 times, arterial hypertension by 1.6 times, chronic bronchitis and postinfarction cardiosclerosis by 1.4 times, fatty hepatosis by 1.5 times. Conversely, in the group who died from COVID-19, there were less often: chronic alcohol intoxication by 3.6 times, cirrhosis of the liver by 2.7 times, chronic pancreatitis by 1.4 times. There was approximately the same the number of cases of diffuse-small-point cardiosclerosis (of different origin), chronic pyelonephritis, emphysema and pneumosclerosis in both groups. Conclusions. 1. Most of those who died from COVID-19 either had another severe illness in addition, or several nosological forms that aggravate the course of each other. The specification of these diseases has been different compared with deceased patients who did not have coronavirus infection. Deaths from COVID-19 were happened more often in case patients had been suffering from certain diseases, especially diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, the consequences of stroke, obesity. A number of diseases were found in this research, especially chronic alcohol intoxication, cirrhosis of the liver, lymphomas, cancer of different localizations and some others for those who died from COVID-19 less often than for those who had not died from this infection. This may be due to both external factors (indications for hospitalization in the doskovid period, the profile of hospitals, etc.), and to the peculiarities of the interaction of a particular person and a microorganism. After all, there could have been changes not only in the immune system, but also in the reactivity of the body as a whole, as well as a number of factors unknown to date.
Key words: коморбидная патология, коронавирусная инфекция (COVID-19)
Maharramova N.F., Jafarova R.E.
UDC: 612.352.12-008.9-055.2
Abstract: Objective. Study the anti-radiation activity of new complex compound (NCC) based on palladium and mexidol. Methods. The experiments were carried out on white outbred rats divided into 1st group - intact animals; 2nd group - the control group, the groups from 3 to 5 contained the animals which were exposed to the following single doses of radiation accordingly: 2, 4, and 6 Gy. These groups also were divided into two subgroups, where the 1st subgroup included the animals that were exposed to radiation in an intact state, while the animals in the 2nd subgroup were exposed to radiation against the background of intraperitoneal injection of 1/30 LD NCC. The leucocyte, lymphocyte, erythrocyte and platelet blood counts were determined 8 hours, 1.5 and 3 days after the exposure. Results. Visual observation revealed that the integrated indicators of animals that received NCC demonstrated lesser changes, this showing that the animals in the NCC subgroup better tolerated the harmful impact of radiation. The blood count against the 4 Gy radiation exposure background demonstrated that the difference between the indicators in subgroups was 28.4%, 55.4%, 0.8% and 168% after 8 hours, one day, 5 days and 1 month accordingly. The differences between the same indicators against the 6.2 Gy radiation exposure background were as follows: 39.6%, 75.4%, 86.9% and 229.8% after 8 hours, one day, 5 days and 1 month accordingly. The results obtained suggest that the preliminary administration of NCC against the background of irradiation with a power of 4 and 6.2 Gy, significantly reduces the harmful effect of on the blood leucocyte counts. The pathological changes in lymphocyte, erythrocyte and platelet blood counts are leas marked and such changes are leveled off against the background of NCC administration. Conclusion. NCC at dose 1/30 LD prevents the pathological changes in the quantitative composition of blood corpuscles, thereby providing a radioprotective effect against the background of X-ray radiation of various intensities. with a single exposure to X-rays with an intensity of 2.0, 4.0 and 6.2 Gy.
Key words: рентгеновское облучение, новое комплексное соединение на основе мексидола и палладия, форменные элементы крови, визуальные интегральные показатели, радиопротектор
Dmitriev I.V., Ignatova N.B., Abrosimov S.Yu., Moiseenkova S.D.
UDC: 616-091.0
Abstract: Objective. Clarify the formulation of the headings of the perinatal pathological diagnosis and propose a variant of its new structure. Methods. Conceptual, process, situational, expert assessments, logical and system types of analysis were used. Results. Several variants of the structure of the perinatal pathological diagnosis were analyzed and its modified structure is proposed, including 4 parts: Perinatal pathological-anatomical diagnosis: 1) Pathology of the child (fetus). The main disease: Comorbid diseases (background or competing or combined) - in the presence of: Complications (main and comorbid diseases): Concomitant diseases and conditions: 2) Pathology of the afterbirth. Main, which caused the death of the child (fetus): Contributing to the death of the child (fetus): Other: 3) Pathology of the mother. Underlying disease or condition causing the death of the child (fetus): Contributing to the death of the child (fetus): Other: 4) Circumstances of death. Conclusion. The absence of approved form of perinatal pathological diagnosis creates problems in comparing it with a clinical diagnosis, in the interaction of doctors with different profiles, in assessing the quality of medical care, in the presence of claims of relatives in the provision of medical care, in the interaction of hospitals with insurance companies, in litigation, etc. There are difficulties with the analysis of the whole variety of information about the pathology of childbirth and the child, reflected in this diagnosis. After a comprehensive discussion and consensus on this issue, it is desirable to legislate one of chosen structures of perinatal pathological diagnosis. All headings of the perinatal pathoanatomical diagnosis should be formalized in nosological forms specified in ICD-10 with their codes. In case of nosological forms absence and other conditions in ICD-10 or if it is necessary to get their additional decoding (in addition to ICD-10), the diagnosis should be written in generally accepted terms, according to current clinical classifications.
Key words: перинатальный патологоанатомический диагноз, структура
Novikov V.E., Ponamareva N.S., Pozhilova E.V.
UDC: 616-092:615.21
Abstract: Objective. To analyze the results of scientific research on the role of aquaporins in the physiology and pathology of the central nervous system and the possibility of their use as pharmacological targets. Methods. Collection, systematization and analysis of the results of modern scientific research on this problem Results. Aquaporins (AQP) are proteins involved in the transmembrane transport of water and other substances. They form the water channels of cell membranes and are widely represented in various mammalian cells, including the membranes of human brain and spinal cord cells. To date, about 300 types of proteins of the aquaporin family have been discovered, of which 13 (AQP0-AQP12) have been identified in human cells. Depending on the permeability for molecules, certain functional groups of AQP proteins are isolated: aquaporins proper (AQP0, AQP1, AQP2, AQP4, AQP5, AQP6, AQP8), which are permeable mainly to water; aquaglyceroporins (AQP3, AQP7, AQP9, AQP10), which provide transport of water, urea, glycerin and some monocarboxylates; superquaporins (AQP11 and AQP12) that modulate the expression of other types of AQP. Localization of different types of AQP in CNS structures, their functional activity and involvement in the development of CNS diseases differ. There are mainly three types of AQPs in the central nervous system: AQP1, AQP4 and AQP9. The results of scientific research indicate the most important role of AQP in maintaining water-salt homeostasis and ensuring physiological processes in the central nervous system, and also confirm the role of AQP in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases of the central nervous system (cerebral edema of various genesis, invasion of tumor cells and the formation of peritumorous edema, in the development of autoimmune diseases - opticomyelitis, Alzheimer's disease). Modulation of the functional activity of aquaporins can influence the course of these diseases. Therefore, there is a natural interest in drugs that can change the expression of AQP. Conclusion. Proteins of the aquaporin family provide transmembrane transport of water and are essential in the development of pathological conditions of the central nervous system. They can be potential targets for pharmacological effects in a number of diseases of the central nervous system. The search for drugs that affect the expression and functional activity of various types of AQP is pathogenetically justified and is a promising direction in the development of pharmacotherapy strategies for cerebral edema, malignant brain tumors and other CNS diseases.
Key words: аквапорины, транспорт воды, отек головного мозга, опухоли мозга, фармакологические мишени
Chudaeva O.V., Titova N.E., Zhukova N.A., Sergienkov S.V.
UDC: 616.12-089.843:[616.98:576.858]
Abstract: Objective. To show the problem of heart transplantation in the medical history of patients who underwent a new coronavirus infection COVID-19, against which a myocardial infarction developed, complicated by heart failure. Methods. Interview, physical examination of the patient; analysis of medical documentation, data from laboratory and instrumental research methods. Results. The article presents a clinical case of a patient who underwent a new coronavirus infection COVID-19, against which a myocardial infarction developed, that was not diagnosed in time. As a result, the patient's condition progressively worsened until the development of end-stage heart failure. At the Shumakov National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences she underwent orthotopic heart transplantation, which was complicated by a two-fold development of graft dysfunction. The patient underwent orthotopic heart retransplantation and long-term immunosuppressive therapy with tacrolimus. Currently, according to laboratory and instrumental methods of examination, the graft function is satisfactory, the patient has returned to a normal lifestyle and physical activity. Conclusions. A new coronavirus infection COVID-19 provoked a myocardial infarction with the development of end-stage heart failure in a patient. Orthotopic heart transplantation, which is the only radical method of treatment in this clinical situation, was complicated by the development of graft rejection. As a result of orthotopic retransplantation and immunosuppressive therapy with tacrolimus, the patient's quality of life and further prognosis significantly improved.
Key words: новая коронавирусная инфекция, хроническая сердечная недостаточность, ортотопическая трансплантация сердца, ретрансплантация, имммуносупрессивная терапия
Atroshchenko A.M., Bulkhov N.A., Konopleva E.L., Krikova A.V.
UDC: 613.155.3
Abstract: Objective. Identification of the relationship between the reduction of green spaces and, accordingly, their medioprotective effectiveness and the trend in the growth of comorbidities of children. Methods. In the objects of study included: the child population of the regional center, district and rural settlements of the Bryansk region. Measured emissions of toxic substances with the help of gas analyser GANK-4. Conducted laboratory studies on General and biochemical blood analysis, analysis of sputum at the reaction. Was determined the combined effect of pollutants, which are present in the spectrum of mutagenic substances and some highly toxic components, exceeding the permissible limits Results. The degradation of elements of the ecological framework of the city's environment is dangerous and is accompanied by the destruction of green public areas, including recreational inter-district, intra-district and intra-quarter spaces. A significant part of the territories is allocated contrary to the current legislation for development. Over the past 25-35 years, not a single full-fledged large-scale landscaped space has been created in Bryansk, which has led to a change in the balance of biosphere compatibility of the technosphere and biosphere in conditions of high density of development. In the city of Bryansk, from 2009 to the present, there has been an increase in the proportion of cases of allergic dermatitis and bronchial asthma among children, while in rural settlements of the Bryansk region the proportion of these diseases is significantly lower. Conclusion. On the basis of obtained data the hypothesis about the dependence of the increase of morbidity of children from ecozashita destruction of green plantings in urban and suburban precincts. The conclusion about the necessity of restoring ecozashita gardens.
Key words: источники загрязнения, негативные механизмы воздействия, бронхолёгочные заболевания, экосистема, система озеленения города, динамика изменений заболеваемости, уровень физиологического влияния
Tryapyshko A.A., Dekhnich N.N.
UDC: 616.33-002
Abstract: Objective. To study efficacy and safety of 14-day standard triple therapy and 14-day standard triple therapy boosted with bismuth tripotassium dicitrate and probiotic. Methods. A total of 56 patients with confirmed H. pylori infection were enrolled into the clinical trial. The first group (n=35) received esomeprazole 20 mg 2 bid, clarithromycin 500 mg bid and amoxicillin 1000 mg bid for 14 days. The second group (n=21) received esomeprazole 20 mg 2 bid, clarithromycin 500 mg 2 bid, amoxicillin 1000 mg 2 bid and bismuth tripotassium dicitrate 240 mg 2 bid for 14 days, probiotic complex: bifidobacteria ( Bifidobacterium longum CBT BG7, Bifidobacterium lactis CBT BL3, Bifidobacterium bifidum CBT BF3), lactobacilli ( Lactobacillus acidophilus CBT LA1, Lactobacillus rhamnosus CBT LR5), lactic acid microorganisms ( Streptococcus thermophiles CBT ST3) 1 capsule 1 time per day for 1 month. Eradication of H. pylori was assessed using stool antigen test. Results. Eradication rates for the first and second groups in the intent-to-treat population were 74.3% и 90.5% (р=0,140), respectively. In the per-protocol population, eradication rates were 89.7% и 100% (р=0,148), соответственно, respectively. Clinical remission for the first and second groups in the intent-to-treat population were 80% и 96.6% ( р =0,302), respectively. In the per-protocol population, сlinical remission were 90.5% и 89.5% ( р =0,322), respectively. Adverse events were reported in 34.3% of patients in the first group and 47.6% of patients in the second group (p > 0.05). Diarrhea occurred in 17.1% and 9.5% of patients in the first and second groups, respectively, and abdominal pain - 8.6% and 4.8% of patients in the respective groups (p>0.05). The occurrence of bitterness in the mouth was noted in the first group less than in the second - 8.6% and 38.1%, respectively (p<0.05). Conclusions. Adding a combination of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate and probiotic to 14-day standard triple therapy significantly increases the effectiveness of eradication of H. pylori infection, and reduces the incidence of diarrhea and abdominal pain during therapy.
Key words: Helicobacter pylori, висмута трикалия дицитрат, пробиотический комплекс
Suleymanova S.V., Abakarov M.G.
UDC: 616.12-008.331.1+616.12-008.46-07
Abstract: Objective. Comparative analysis of the results of assessing the prognosis of clinical outcomes in patients with comorbid and polymorbid HF using the Charlson index, LVEF assessment and HRV test. Methods. We analyzed f 5-minute recording of a cardiointralogram, which included the results of the following indicators: temporal (HR, SDNN, RMSSD) and spectral (TRms2 - VLFms2, LFms2, HFms2, VLF%, LF%, HF%, LF/HF). To assess the risk of patient’s mortality, was determined the degree of comorbidity by using a modified Charlson index, as well as LVEF. The studied data were subjected to statistical processing using IMB STATISTIKA SPSS 22 and Microsoft Excel programs (the desired indicators: median and interquartile range). Statistical hypothesis when comparing two independent groups, for non-parametric data, was assessed by using the Mann-Whitney z-test. In all statistical analysis procedures, the critical significance level p was taken equal to p<0.05. To assess the correlation between HRV, Charlson index and LVEF, the Spearman method was used at a significance level of p<0.05 and p<0.01. Results. The spectrum of the VLF > HF > LF type in all groups indicates the centralization of the regulation link, which is identified with sympathoadrenal effects on the heart rhythm. The value of the results of the comorbidity index, HRV and LVEF in the general group and subgroups indicate the influence of comorbidity on the state of the autonomic nervous system, leading to the predominance of the sympathetic, which affects the adaptive capabilities of the body. [8] Analysis of the correlation between indicators in 3 groups showed a clear relationship between the degree of comorbidity, the value of LVEF and HRV indicators, which makes it possible to use HRV as a method for predicting the course of the disease and the risk of sudden death. Conclusions. The comparative characteristics of the data in the subgroups of CVC and PM suggest that polymorbidity worsens the prognosis and increases the risk of patient’s mortality more than comorbidity.
Key words: вариабельность сердечного ритма, коморбидность, риск внезапной смерти, хроническая сердечная недостаточность
Bakholdin I.B., Milyagin V.A., Talov A.V., Tentyukov D.E.
UDC: 616.12-008.331.1+616.12-008.46-07
Abstract: Objective. Development and testing of a new national vascular wall stiffness index as an integral indicator of cardiovascular risk in a wide population for a promising national volumetric sphygmography apparatus. Methods. The calculation of the new stiffness index (Stelari Start) is carried out exclusively on the basis of the fundamental laws of wave motion in tubes with elastic walls, taking into account the difference in the velocity of pulse wave propagation in various types of arteries and bringing its values to a single basic value of the wave velocity in elastic arteries. When calculating the stiffness of the vascular wall, the disadvantages of the methods of the classical stiffness index β and the CAVI index based on it are taken into account, nonlinear effects affecting the speed of waves with their large amplitude are taken into account. To conduct a comparative analysis, data from 478 vascular stiffness studies conducted on the VaSera VS-1500N apparatus were used. Results. Comparative analysis showed a fairly high correlation between the Start index proposed by us and the classical β index, as well as a certain deviation of both indices from CAVI, starting from the CAVI level of about 8.9, defined by the manufacturer as the level of clinically significant atherosclerosis. Conclusion. The results obtained, on the one hand, give reason to talk about the preliminary value of the new stiffness index (Stelari Start). On the other hand, taking into account the development of the index based on other fundamental laws, the data obtained counter-confirm the principles of calculation of the β and CAVI indices themselves. It is advisable to continue the research, including on different groups of patients, as well as using the pulse wave velocity in the calculation formula Start in various parts of the arterial bed.
Key words: сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, сосудистая жесткость, индекс STELARI START
Grinev A.V., Safonov D.V., Nikolaev S.I.
UDC: 616.62:615.256.3
Abstract: Objective. To study reasons of dislocation of intrauterine contraceptive device through bladder wall on the example of the clinic observation we considered. Methods. Foreign body of urinary bladder evokes paine on the pubic, hematuria, dysuria, sometimes perforation wall of urinary bladder. Iatrogenic bodies of urinary bladder, which dislocation from uterus cavity through the wall to bladder cavity, cause much interest. To clarify the diagnosis we performed endoscopic examination of urinary bladder, ultrasound examination of kidney and multislice computer tomography of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. Bilateral hydronephrosis and renal insufficiency was revealed. We perfomed MR-tomography of small pelvic. Tumor of neck uterus involving body uterus and left ureter was revealed. Results. Percutaneous paracentetic nephrostomy was performed for correction by hydronephrosis. Foreign body of urinary bladder was revealed by endoscopic examination. Foreign body of urinary bladder was taken out during transuretral endoscopic examination. It was intrauterine contraceptive device. Conclusion. The reason of incontinence was uterovesical fistula on account of dislocation intrauterine contraceptive device through the urinary bladder wall. X-ray therapy treating neck of the uterus tumor was predispositive factor resulting to this status.
Key words: недержание мочи, пузырно-маточный свищ, лучевая терапия, рак шейки матки
Samieva Sh.T., Inoyatova N.A.
UDC: 616.43
Abstract: Objective. Conduct a comparative analysis of the incidence and characteristics of the course of iodine deficiency diseases in children and adolescents in the Central Asian region. Methods. The incidence of thyroid diseases associated with iodine deficiency conditions was studied for the period from 2016 to 2020 in the Republic of Tajikistan. Official data from the annual reports of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan were used. Territorial and other features of the spread of iodine deficiency diseases in the Central Asian region (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan), as well as the impact of obesity and related conditions on thyroid function. Results. The incidence of iodine deficiency diseases in the Republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan was 32.5%; 28.6%; 5.2% and 3.2% respectively. The data obtained show a high prevalence of iodine deficiency conditions in the region, as well as a significant deterioration in the condition of patients, against the background of obesity and atherosclerosis, due to a decrease in thyroid function in people with iodine deficiency. Conclusion. Given the high prevalence of non-communicable diseases, namely cardiovascular and obesity, which are aggravated against the background of IDD, additional studies are needed in order to establish the features of the course of comorbidity and its mutual influence. The initiation of further research in this direction will have to solve this problem.
Key words: йододефицитные состояния, зоб, щитовидная железа, Центрально-Азиатский регион
Glutkina N.V., Kulaga E.Ya., Zinchuk V.V.
UDC: 616.993.12
Abstract: Objective. To analyze a clinical case of amoebiasis diagnosis in various forms of lesion. Methods. The authors observed a patient with a rare case of amoebiasis in various forms of lesion. The features of the diagnosis of this nosological form are analyzed. Results. A clinical case of the complexity of the diagnosis of amoebiasis in various forms of lesion is presented. The patient received specific treatment for pneumonia, however, due to the ineffectiveness of the therapy, he was transferred to the pulmonology department of the Grodno University Clinic to continue treatment. After the examination, the diagnosis was made: Amoebiasis. Amoebic abscess of the right lobe of the liver. Amoebic lung abscesses. The condition after laparoscopy, autopsy, sanitation, drainage of the abscess of the right lobe of the liver. Acute fluid accumulations in the abdominal cavity and pelvis. Condition after laparoscopy, sanitation, drainage of liver abscess, fluid accumulations of the abdominal cavity and a pelvis. The condition after laparoscopy, sanitation, drainage of liver abscess, fluid accumulations of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. Destructive pneumonia of both lungs. Double-sided hydrothorax. Respirotary Failure 1. Conclusion. Based on the given example of this clinical case, the difficulties of diagnosing amoebiasis in various forms of lesion are demonstrated.
Key words: диагностика, амебиаз, абсцесс, пневмония
Solovyov V.I., Zui V.S., Volynets A.A., Khaykin A.M.
UDC: 616-006.6
Abstract: Objective. To evaluate the results of treatment of patients in the chemotherapy department of the Regional State Budgetary Health Institution "Smolensk Regional Clinical Hospital" in 2020 and 2021. Methods. Based on the data of the territorial cancer registry of the regional state budgetary healthcare institution "Smolensk Regional Oncological Clinical Dispensary" (OGBUZ SOOKD), the official accounting and reporting medical documentation of patients with a morphologically confirmed diagnosis of cancer who received inpatient treatment in 2020-2021 was studied. in OGBUZ SOKB in the form of neoadjuvant, adjuvant and independent chemotherapy. Case histories, statistical coupons and outpatient cards of patients were analyzed. Statistical processing of the results included methods of descriptive statistics and was carried out using MS Excel 10. Results. Total number of patients treated with chemotherapy in 2020 there were 663 people (48.9%), in 2021. 692 people (51.1%). There were 433 (31.95%) patients with tumors of the head and neck, 390 (28.7%) of the respiratory organs, and 170 (12.55%) of the female genital organs. These patients received self-administered (curative) chemotherapy in 48.1%, maintenance chemotherapy regimens were used in 31.9%, and adjuvant chemotherapy was performed in 13.5%. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was performed in 6.5% of cases. Due to the fact that the stage of malignant neoplasm in 84.37% of patients referred for treatment to the chemotherapy department was neglected, the complete response to chemotherapy did not exceed 2.1%, stabilization of the process was recorded in 38.4%, and a partial response in 23.6% of cases. Disease progression was recorded in 19% of patients. Conclusion. The results of chemotherapy performed on patients with tumors of the female genital organs and respiratory organs are comparable with the results of chemotherapy performed in other territories. The effectiveness of chemotherapy in patients with head and neck tumors is low, due to the admission of patients with advanced stages of cancer and without surgical intervention, which is why the share of self-chemotherapy was 48.1%. To improve the results of work, it is necessary to intensify work on the surgical treatment of oral cancer.
Key words: онкология, химиотерапия, оценка эффективности
Svoboda P.N., Morozova T.G.
UDC: 616.36-073.756.8
Abstract: Objective. To evaluate the diagnostic significance of the brain and neck magnetic resonance imaging in contrast-free angiography for children with developmental language disorders. Methodology. From 2018 to 2022, school-age children with developmental language disorders, brought up in social institutions for minors were examined. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and cervical spine in contrast free angioregime in a 1.5 Tl tomograph was performed. Children with neurological pathology (n=50) were selected for MRI. Results. The children were divided into 2 main groups: group 1 - children with dyslexia (n=21), group 2 - children with speech defects (n=29). In 100% of cases, patients with dyslexia had signs of internal hydrocephalus; in 40% (n=20) tortuousity of the right vertebral artery was noted. In 11 (22%) patients cervical Instability was revealed; in 1 (2%) patient wedge-shaped deformation of the vertebral bodies was revealed; in 9 (18%) - static function disorders in the form of kyphosis. MR angiography in the study group of children was carried out with a mandatory assessment of the course and diameter of the vessels and in 20% of cases it was found thattortuosity of the right vertebral arteries was also noted. Conclusions. 1. MRI of the cervical spine allows to establish the etiology of vertebrogenic effects on the vertebral arteries, especially if it is impossible to determine the cause according to brachiocephalic vessels ultrasound dopplerography. 2. Regardless of the results of intra- and extracranial vessels ultrasound, it is recommended to conduct a combined MR examination of the brain, cervical spine with the mandatory use of angioregime. 3. At the first stage of examination diagnostic and prognostic significance of the brain and cervical spine MRI in angioregime was AUROC 0.967, 95% CI 0.902-0.979; in follow up of children - AUROC 0.971, 95% CI 0.891-0.986.
Key words: магнитно-резонансная томография, ангиорежим
Dubrovina Yu.A., Legonkova T.I., Vodneva L.M., Shtykova O.N., Shpakovskaya K.S., Melnikova V.M., Artyomenkova E.I.
UDC: 616-053.2: [616.98:576.858]
Abstract: Objective. To study and analyze data of up-to-date on multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, to emphasize pathogenetic mechanisms and their clinical manifestations, to establish a connection between them, to learn methods of treating emerging disorders. Methods. Collection, analysis and systematization of data on multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children undergoing COVID-19. Results. The article presents modern views on the etiology and pathogenesis of this state, as well as data on the clinical and instrumental picture and tactics of management of patients with MVS. The main problems of timely diagnosis and treatment, prediction of outcomes are outlined. Conclusions. Despite available evidence that coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) in children manifests in mild form, however, in rare cases, the disease can cause multisystemic inflammatory syndrome (MVS). Based on the diagnostic criteria of MVS, its timely diagnosis and treatment is important, which is personalized in nature and often requires the provision of care to patients in the intensive care unit.
Key words: мультисистемный воспалительный синдром, дети, COVID-19, синдром Кавасаки
Buznik G.V., Shabanov P.D.
UDC: 616.717.
Abstract: Objective. To analyze scientific data considering the classification of senile asthenia depending on functional activity, the clinical scale of asthenia, the risks of its formation, and the features of managing patients with asthenia. Methods. The review was carried out in the PubMed, Scopus, eLibrary databases by searching for literary sources on this topic. Of the selected publications, the most significant publications of recent years were used for analysis. Results. In the pharmacotherapy of senile asthenia, the main attention is paid to the treatment of concomitant diseases and conditions in patients with asthenic syndrome: arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, antithrombotic therapy, prescribing statins, treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (the advantage over first-line drugs), insulin therapy, anti-dementia drugs (memantine, donepezil, rivastigmine), with pain syndrome, the appointment of analgesics, antidepressants and neuroleptics according to indications. Conclusion. Thus, taking into account the concomitant chronic and/or acute diseases, geriatric syndromes as well as the results of functional status assessment, cognitive and emotional disorders, the drug therapy of senile asthenia can be facilitated by means of both the reduction of the proper asthenic symptoms and diminishing or decreasing the concomitant diseases.
Key words: старческая астения, причины, структура, клиника, лечение
Murashkina I.A., Mirovich V.M.
UDC: 615.012/.014:[615.451.16:582.916.26]
Abstract: Objective. Development of the technology of dry extract based on the collection of "Eufrazin" and its standardization for the main biologically active substances. Methods. Commodity indicators of the plant collection "Eufrazin" were evaluated according to the methods of the State Pharmacopoeia of the XIV edition. The quantitative content of the sum of flavonoids was determined by differential spectrophotometry in terms of rutin, the sum of anthocyanins was determined by spectrophotometric method in terms of cyanidin (using a specific absorption index equal to 100). The optical density was measured using the "LEKI" device. The technological indicators are investigated: the optimal extractant, the degree of grinding of raw materials, the multiplicity of extraction, the ratio of raw materials and extractant, the temperature regime. Results. A technological scheme for obtaining a dry extract from the plant collection "Eufrazin" by remaceration in three stages, followed by cleaning, drying and grinding, has been developed. The conditions of the extraction process were determined: the optimal extractant is ethyl alcohol 50%; the degree of shredding of raw rosehip fruits, blueberry fruits, medicinal lemon balm herb 2 mm, combed ochanka grass and vyazolistny laburnum flowers 3 mm; the ratio of raw materials-extractant - 1:14; temperature 60°C and mixing. The optimal phase contact time for each extraction stage was established: 1 stage - 1,5 hours, 2 stage - 1 hour, 3 stage - 0,5 hours. The standardization of the dry extract from the plant collection "Eufrazin" was carried out according to the following indicators: description, authenticity, weight loss during drying, the quantitative content of active substances, heavy metals. The quality standards of the dry extract are justified and established: the content of the sum of flavonoids in terms of rutin is not less than 4%; sum of anthocyanins - not less than 2%; moisture - not more than 5%. Conclusion. The optimal parameters for obtaining dry extract from the plant collection "Eufrazin" by remaceration in three stages have been established, which ensures a high efficiency of the yield of extractive substances up to 94,22%.
Key words: сбор «Эуфразин», экстракт сухой, лекарственные растения, экстракция, технология
Akhmedov F.A., Monib Dadu M.I., Losenkova S.O., Ogai M.A., Nam N.L., Larsky M.V., Yusufi Salomudin Jabbor, Gieszoda Asomuddin
UDC: 615.451.454
Abstract: Development of methods of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in order to standardize the quality of medicinal plant syrups. Methods. Studies of the quantitative content of biologically active substances (BAS), Piracetam in medicinal syrups were conducted using the HPLC method. The authors have developed and validated the methods of analysis. As objects of research, a syrup obtained on the basis of a phytocomplex from the fruits of white mulberry and dog rose hips was used, as well as a syrup of a combined composition, including the pharmaceutical substance piracetam and condensed extracts from rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis and peppermint leaves, obtained on the principle of classical tinctures. When analyzing the syrup of the combined composition with piracetam, a detection wavelength of 210 nm was selected to reduce the noise level of the detector. Conclusion. Thus, the authors have developed and validated the methods of standardization of the original phytosyrops proposed by the authors.
Key words: фитосиропы, методика анализа, высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография
Yarkovoy M.A., Strusovskaya O.G.
UDC: 615.454.1
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the study was to develop the composition and technology of a photosensitizing gel based on an extract of Psoralea corylifolia callus tissue for use in PUVA therapy for dermatological manifestations of psoriasis. Methods. The technological parameters of the studied gel compositions were determined by studying the colloidal and thermal stability. The rheological characteristics were determined on a Brookfield RVDV II+Pro rotational viscometer (USA). To study the bioavailability, model mixtures were prepared, to which 0.1% of the standard sample of psoralen was added. The biopharmaceutical properties of the model mixtures were studied by the equilibrium dialysis method according to Kruvchinsky. Quantitative determination of psoralen was carried out by UV spectrophotometry. Results. As a result of the studies, it was found that the optimal is the gel composition of the composition: sodium alginate - 3.0 g, glycerol - 18.0 g, water - up to 100.0 g, into which the extract of Psoralea corylifolia callus tissue was introduced, containing the amount of furocoumarins in an amount equivalent to 0.1% psoralen. Conclusion. Based on the conducted rheological and biopharmaceutical studies, the composition and technology for obtaining a photosensitizing gel based on the extraction of P. corylifola from callus tissue, which can be used in PUVA therapy for dermatological manifestations of psoriasis, has been developed.
Key words: фотосенсибилизирующий гель, технология, биофармацевтические исследования
Dyakova N.A.
UDC: 615.322:574.2
Abstract: Objective. Аssessment of radioactive contamination of upper layers of soils and LRS of Voronezh region and identification of accumulating abilities of different types of wild LRS in relation to radionuclides. Methods. On the basis of 10 plant objects used for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, selected from 36 points of the Voronezh region, studies were carried out on the content and storage capacity of plant objects from strontium-90, cesium-137, thorium-232, potassium-40, radium-226 soils. Results. It has been established that the largest accumulators of radioactive isotopes of cesium-137 are such types of wild medicinal vegetal raw materials as leaves of large plantain, grass of five-lobed dumpling, grass of bitter wormwood, leaves of dioecious nettle (accumulation factors more than 1.5). It is also noticeable that caesium-137 accumulates more in leaves and grass, to a lesser extent in flowers and underground organs. Strontium-90 in the largest quantities accumulated the roots of a large bladder, the roots of a dandelion drug. From the obtained data, it can be seen that the isotopes of radioactive strontium-90 accumulate to a greater extent in the roots, that is, underground organs, to a lesser extent in the grass of the studied plants. Conclusion. The greatest accumulating ability of natural and artificial radionuclides fixed by the soil is possessed by such types of medicinal vegetal raw materials: large plantain leaves, dioecious nettle leaves, medicinal dandelion roots, large bladder roots.
Key words: лекарственное растительное сырье, Воронежская область, стронций-90, цезий-137, торий-232, калий-40, радий-226
Kuznecova E.Ju., Ovod A.I.
UDC: 616.34-002.036.11-053.2-085.246
Abstract: Objective. To study the range of target segment of the Russian pharmaceutical market of medicines that affect the digestive tract and metabolism, used for the treatment of acute intestinal infections in children. Methods. The research was conducted using the following methods: system, logical, content analysis, comparison, marketing, grouping, and structural analysis. The information base for the research is based on official sources of information: "State register of medicines" (online version, 2019), "Directory of synonyms of medicines" (2019). The marketing analysis of assortment of drugs for treatment of aII in children conducted by the following indicators: group ATC classification (Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical), international nonproprietary names (INNS), trade names (TN), medications (LP), the composition of active substances-producing countries, types of dosage forms (LF), including paediatric forms. We also studied the availability of this product range in the regulatory documents. Results. The analysis revealed that the total range of medicines of group A - digestive tract and metabolism, used in the treatment of acute intestinal infection in children, is 7 INNS/grouping names, presented in the form of 161 TN and 360 LP. The General structure of the product range is dominated by subgroup A07-antidiarrheal, intestinal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs (37.3% of TN and 41.1% of LP), monocomponent drugs-88.1%, domestic production-75.8%, which are produced mainly in the form of solid dosage forms-65.8%. Conclusion. Thus, the conducted studies have shown that, despite a fairly wide range of the analyzed group of drugs for the treatment of acute intestinal infection in children, there are no drugs specifically designed for use in Pediatrics in the nomenclature. This causes certain difficulties when dosing drugs. In order to improve medical care for children, it is necessary to further develop the pharmaceutical industry in the development and production of new drugs for pediatric pharmacy.
Key words: острые кишечные инфекции, ассортимент лекарственных препаратов
Prudnikov I.M., Borisov V.V.
UDC: 519.6-519.83-519.86
Abstract: Objective. Analysis of the Murray’s equations, obtaining an analytical and graphic relationship between the angles of deviations of the vessels in a microvascular node. Methods. The system of the Murray's equations is solved, which describes a microvascular node of the human’s or animal’s circulatory system. Using the apparatus of linear algebra, the linear dependence of the system of the Murray’s equations is proved. Therefore, one equation of the system of equations was replaced by the equation of continuity of blood flow. The solution of the new system of equations is the equation for the angles of the microvascular node, which has not previously been found in the literature. The equation is solved using the mathematical packages MATCAD and the algorithmic language Python. Results. An equation for the angles of deviations from each other of the vessels in a node of the microvascular circulatory system of a person or an animal is obtained. The equation was solved on a computer using the mathematical package MATCAD, as well as the algorithmic language Python. As a result, the graphical relationship between the angles of deviations of the vessels in a microvascular node of the circulatory system is given, a graph of the dependence of one angle on another is plotted. The three-dimensional graphs of functions describing the dependence of the angles of deviations of the vessels from each other in a node of the circulatory system are presented. Conclusion. The derived equation for the angles of deviations from each other of the vessels in a node of the circulatory system has the practical application in construction of artificial capillary networks, as well as pipeline networks for optimal, in terms of energy consumption, pumping oil, gas and any liquid. The resulting equation can be used for experimental testing of the Murray’s equations.
Key words: уравнения Муррея, правила бифуркации капиллярных сетей, принцип оптимальности для микрососудистых узлов
Oleynikova T.A., Evstratov A.V., Dremova N.B., Khorlyakova O.V.
UDC: 615.15:378
Abstract: Objective. The rapid development of the pharmaceutical market of the Russian economy requires constant improvement of the quality of professional training of specialists in the pharmaceutical field. Every year, the requirements for the training of pharmaceutical personnel from all groups of stakeholders are increasing. From the point of view of solving the problem of the most complete satisfaction of the needs of employers, the professional community, the population and the students themselves in the training of qualified personnel, there is a need to study the problems of ensuring the quality of education from the perspective of consumers. Methods. In the course of the study, a sociological survey of 598 students of pharmaceutical faculties of 12 educational organizations of Russia was conducted in the form of face-to-face and correspondence questionnaires. As a research tool, a questionnaire was developed that includes two groups of questions: 1) socio-demographic characteristics; 2) assessment of satisfaction with the quality of education received. The survey results were processed using statistical (grouping, the method of averages, structural analysis) and general scientific (system, logical) methods of analysis. Results. The main parameters of satisfaction of senior students of the pharmaceutical faculty of 12 universities of the country with the quality of education are revealed. A pre-professional profile of a pharmaceutical faculty student has been formed, which determines the goals of education, the reasons for choosing a profession, the level of awareness and satisfaction with the specialty received. The results of the assessment of the quality of the educational process in six specialized disciplines and labor functions of three professional standards are presented. The list of additional competencies and professionally important qualities demanded by graduates of the specialty "pharmacy" has been studied. Conclusions. According to students, the quality of modern pharmaceutical education is quite high and generally meets their requirements. At the same time, the analysis of the survey results allowed us to identify areas for improvement that ensure professional success and the demand for graduates in the profession.
Key words: качество фармацевтического образования, профессионально важные качества, трудовые функции, удовлетворенность студентов качеством образования
Udovikova O.I., Ivanishkina E.V.
UDC: 929.61
Abstract: August 30, 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor Vera Georgievna Podoprigorova. Most of her working life was spent at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the SSMA, which she headed in recent years, leaving a bright mark on its development.