Razvodovsky Yu.E., Smirnov V.Yu., Doroshenko E.M., Bon E.I., Pereverzev V.A., Maksimovich N.E., Semenenya I.N.
UDC: 616.441.577.112
Abstract: Objective. The aim of this study was to estimate the changes in the pool of free amino acids and their derivatives in hippocampus of rats undergoing subtotal cerebral ischemia (SCI) and treated with L-arginine and L-NAME. Methods . The experiment was held on 18 rats: 12 animals were undergoing bilateral filament occlusion of carotid arteries, in 6 cases L-arginine and L-NAME was administrated. The analyses of free amino acids and their derivates levels in blood plasma extracts were carried out by reversed-phase HPLC. Results. Subtotal cerebral ischemia induced imbalance in the pool of amino acids and their derivates in hippocampus (including phenylalanine, histidine, glutamine, tyrosine, and bran chain amino acids (BCAA), as well as the activity of serotonin and dopamine system. Administration of L-arginine and L-NAME partially prevented the imbalance of the amino acids pool, caused by SCI, by preventing the changes in the levels of phenylalanine, histidine, glutamate, a-aminobutirate, a-aminoadipine acid. Conclusions. Preventive injection of L-arginine and L-NAME alleviates the imbalance in the pool of free amino acids and biogenic amines in hippocampus caused by SCI, and normalizes the serotonin system.
Key words: аминокислоты, биогенные амины, гиппокамп, субтотальная ишемия головного мозга, L-аргинин, L-NAME
Uzlova E.V., Zimatkin S.M.
UDC: 577.15:[611.82+611.81]:599.323.4
Abstract: Objective. To find out regional and cell distribution of ATP synthase in the rat brain. Methods. For the study material from 5 outbred male rats weighing 200 grams was used. Quick decapitation was performed, the brain and spinal cord were extracted. After tissue processing serial sections were made, one of them was used for structures identification (Nissl staining) and following immunohistochemical staining for ATP synthase. Results. ATP synthase is found in neurons throughout the cytoplasm, apart for the nucleus. Immunostaining is present in all brain parts and structures but its intensity varies significantly. Myelin sheath of nerve fibers do not stain. Conclusion. ATP synthase is characterized by uneven regional and cellular distribution. The amount of ATP synthase varies within individual structures. It is independent of phylogenetic age, but dependent of functional activity.
Key words: АТФ-синтаза, головной мозг, спинной мозг, иммуногистохимия, крысы
Buznik G.V., Shabanov P.D.
UDC: 616.717.
Abstract: Objective was to assess the efficacy of treatment of asthenic syndrome in surgical patients and sufferers with combined injuries by means of succinate containing metabolic protectors (emoxipine/mexidol, riboxine/cytoflavine, metaprot/metaprot plus). Methods. In 134 surgical patients and sufferers with combined injuries, an asthenic syndrome (high anxiety, depression, high psychic and physical tiredness, weakness, absent-mindedness, attention disorders, reduced physical and psychical ability, need in durative rest, high psychic exhaustion, social disadaptation) was revealed by clinical, psychological and instrumental methods. Results. Metabolic protectors containing (mexidol, cytoflavine, metaprot plus) or non-containing (emoxipine, riboxine, metaprot) succinate in their structure were clinically effective in abolition or reduction of the asthenic syndrome in such patients, succinate containing drugs being more effective. Antiasthenic action was represented by proper antiasthenic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, nootropic (cognitive) and positive general somatic effects of the drugs. Conclusion. Special correction of asthenic disorders is recommended in surgical patients and sufferers with combined injuries.
Key words: астенический синдром, метаболическая терапия, эмоксипин, мексидол, рибоксин, цитофлавин, метапрот, метапрот плюс
Buznik G.V., Shabanov P.D.
UDC: 616.717.61
Abstract: Objective was to assess the efficacy of treatment of asthenic syndrome in neurotics and patients with stress-associated disorders by means of succinate containing metabolic protectors (mexidol, riboxine/cytoflavine, metaprot/metaprot plus) in comparison with benzodiazepine tranquilizers (phenazepam). Methods. In 142 patients with neurosis or stress-associated disorders, asthenic syndrome was revealed by clinical, psychological and instrumental methods. Asthenic syndrome was performed with somatic complaints preferably: headaches, bowel function disorders, cardialgias, inspiratory dispnoe (60,1%), weakness (52,4%), high psychic and physical tiredness (61,9%), vegetative lability (81,8%). As a rule, neurotic syndrome was connected with psychotraumatic situation. Results. Metabolic protectors containing (mexidol, cytoflavine, metaprot plus) or non-containing (riboxine, metaprot) succinate in their structure were clinically effective in abolition or reduction of asthenic syndrome in such patients, succinate containing drugs being more effective. As an example, in Iowa Fatigue Scale, cypoflavine, metaprot, metaprot plus and phenazapam revealed high antiasthenic activity, mexidol also was active (p<0.05), but in a less degree, and placebo and riboxine had no effect. Antiasthenic action was represented by proper anthiasthenic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, nootropic (cognitive) and positive general somatic effects of the drugs. Conclusion. Special correction of asthenic disorders with succinate-containing metabolic drugs is recommended in patients with neurosis or stress-associated disorders.
Key words: астенический синдром, неврозы, связанными со стрессом расстройства, метаболическая терапия, мексидол, рибоксин, цитофлавин, метапрот, метапрот плюс
Iakovleva E.E., Brusina M.A., Bychkov E.R., Piotrovsky L.B., Shabanov P.D.
UDC: 616.858-008.6; 615.015
Abstract: Objective was to study the antiparkinsonian effect of new ligands of the glutamate NMDA receptor complex - 1,2-substituted imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acids. Methods. Derivatives of imidazole-dicarboxylic acids (IEM2258, IEM2248, IEM2247) were injected into the lateral mice brain ventricles 30 minutes after reserpine at doses of 0.2-0.4 mmol, and 2 hours later, motor activity was analyzed in the "open field" test. In the model of catalepsy, the studied agents were injected simultaneously with intraperitoneal haloperidol injection using a pre-implanted cannula. The severity of catalepsy was assessed in points using the Morpurgo method. In the arecoline hyperkinesis test the latent period, severity and duration of the tremor were recorded. Amantadine was used as a comparator drug in all tests. Results. On the reserpine model in mice, it was shown that IEM2258 (0.4 mkmol) significantly increased the parameters of total locomotor activity in the "Open field" test, increased the body temperature by 2C and reduced the severity of ptosis. The value of the antiparkinsonian effect of IEM2258 significantly exceeded amantadine. The antiparkinsonian effect of the tested substances in the groups receiving IEM2247 (0.4 mkmol) and amantadine was comparable in most indicators. On the model of catalepsy in rats for all experimental groups a significant decrease in the manifestations of catalepsy was found. Preliminary administration of the studied substances also led to a significant increase in the latent period of arecoline tremor and a decrease in its intensity and duration. Conclusion. The data showed dose depended antiparkinsonian activity of new imidazole-dicarboxylic acids derivatives, that indicates the promising aspect for the development of these agents and further searching for effective and safe antiparkinsonian drugs among this pharmacological class.
Key words: глутамат, болезнь Паркинсона, антагонисты NMDA-рецепторов, производные имидазол-дикарбоновых кислот, противопаркинсоническая активность
Lukyanova Yu.S., Pokrovskii M.V., Gureev V.V., Kolesnichenko P.D.
UDC: 615.225.3
Abstract: Objective. Тo compare the pharmacological activity of the preparations Venarus Plus, Venarus and Detralex 1000 mg under the conditions of modeling endothelial dysfunction (ED), to evaluate the effect on venous tone, vascular permeability, platelet aggregation in the experiment. Methods. The study was performed on 150 Wistar male rats and on 80 adult albino rabbits. ED was simulated using the non-selective blocker of NO synthase N-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ether (L-NAME). Functional vascular tests and the values of biochemical markers were used to determine the degree of correction of the caused functional disorders. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drugs was evaluated in rabbits by applying o-xylene. The study of the venotonic effect of the preparations was carried out in an experiment on an isolated segment of the portal vein of rats with Ca solutions at a concentration of 0.08-1.75 mM. Results. It was found that in the maximum daily therapeutic dose of Venarus Plus, a decrease in the ED coefficient (QED), an increase in NO synthesis, and a slowdown in ADP-induced platelet aggregation statistically significantly exceed the effects of the comparison drugs on the L-NAME model of ED. The studied drugs dose-dependently reduce vascular permeability disorders caused by the application of o-xylene, which manifests itself in a commensurate decrease in the size of stained spots and an increase in the time before their appearance. In the study of the Ca-mediated smooth muscle response, it was found that the maximum force of vein contraction occurs with a higher dosage of drugs in the presence of a lower concentration of Ca, the effects of the drugs are comparable. Conclusions. It was concluded that the drug Venarus Plus has a pronounced endothelioprotective and antiplatelet effect, exceeding the effectiveness of the comparison drugs in the maximum daily therapeutic dose. It was also established that the studied drug had the ability to increase the contractile activity of an isolated portal vein segment in response to an increase in Ca concentration, comparable with comparison drugs and reduced vascular permeability disorders caused by the application of o-xylene.
Key words: эндотелиальная дисфункция, диосмин, хроническая венозная недостаточность, МОФФ, Детралекс, Венарус, Венарус Плюс
Barsukova Yu. N., Melnikova O.A.
UDC: 615.014.22
Abstract: Objective. Optimization of the composition of the local multicomponent hemostatic agent, including nanoparticles, using the Harrington desirability function. Methods. A hemostatic agent in a soft dosage form was used as an object of the study, including aminocaproic acid (FS.2.1.0001.15, GOST 7850-2013), ferric chloride (TU 2152-003-68879995-2014, GOST 4147-74), polyethylene glycol-400 (TU 2481-008-71150986-2006), polyethylene glycol-1000 (TU 2481-008-71150986-2006), carbon nanoparticles coated with a carbon shell (GOST R 57909-2017). Nanoparticles were obtained by the levitation-jet method. When testing the hemostatic agent, organoleptic indicators (appearance and consistency, smell, color) were determined in accordance with the requirements of OFS. “Ointment”. The particle size of the ointment was determined according to OFS. “Optical Microscopy”. Rheological characteristics were evaluated in accordance with OFS “Viscosity”. The plastic and effective viscosity of the samples were calculated. Approximation of the results was carried out using the Casson equation. Quantitative analysis of medicinal substances was determined according to the methods developed by us earlier, for aminocaproic acid - direct spectrophotometry using a ninhydrin sample, for iron chloride - photometry by reaction with sulfosalicylic acid, nanoparticles - the Faraday method. The optimization of the composition of the soft dosage form was performed using the generalized Harrington desirability function Results. According to the empirical system of preferences (desirability), it was revealed that form-forming polymers of polyethylene glycols of molecular weight 400 and 1000 in a mass ratio of 4: 1 have optimal biopharmaceutical properties. Conclusion. The highest value of the generalized desirability function (D) was demonstrated by a sample of the following composition: aminocaproic acid - 5.0 g, iron (III) chloride - 2.0 g, iron nanoparticles Fe @ C - 0.01 g, polyethylene glycol (PEG)-400 - 74.4 g ., PEG-1000 - 18.6 g.
Key words: гемостатическое средство, обобщенная функция желательности, наночастицы, мазевая основа
Lyamec L.L., Evseev A.V., Danilov A.I.
UDC: 519 253
Abstract: Objective. When conducting pharmacological research, there is a need to build mathematical models of pharmacokinetic dependencies. Such models allow us to formally describe and explain the phenomena and processes under study. The purpose of this study was to develop a method for mathematical description of experimental pharmacokinetic dependencies. The research is relevant and has practical significance. It shows the possibility of using mathematical models in the study of pharmacokinetic dependencies. Methods. For the study, a sample statistical population is formed, which consists of observation units with a certain set of features. To obtain primary statistical data, planned experiments are carried out. In each experiment, after the administration of a medicinal substance, its concentration in blood plasma is measured for each observation unit at fixed points in time. As a result, an empirical pharmacokinetic dependence is recorded. The averaged pharmacokinetic dependence is calculated on the set of empirical dependences. Averaging is carried out using the structural mean - the median, which is a stable (robust) estimate of the central trend. In this study, the Kotelnikov interpolation polynomial was used as a mathematical model for the mathematical description of the averaged pharmacokinetic dependence. To automate the calculations and present the results, a non-commercial version of the Maple computer mathematics system was used, available at https://www.maplesoft.com. Results. A method for the mathematical description of the averaged experimental pharmacokinetic dependences based on the Kotelnikov interpolation polynomial has been developed. The proposed mathematical model makes it possible to formally describe the experimental pharmacokinetic dependences, calculate their characteristics, draw well-founded conclusions about the bioequivalence of the studied drugs and preparations, and conduct a comparative analysis of pharmacokinetic curves. Computational actions are automated with the help of computer mathematics, which can significantly reduce time costs, as well as make calculations and their results clear. Conclusion. The developed method for the mathematical description of experimental pharmacokinetic dependences shows the possibility of practical use of the Kotelnikov interpolation polynomial in pharmacological research. The results of the study may be of interest to researchers carrying out research in the field of pharmacology, evidence-based medicine and using statistical methods for analyzing experimental data in their work.
Key words: однофакторный эксперимент, фармакологическое воздействие, фармакокинетическая кривая, статистический анализ, математическая модель, интерполяция, интерполяционный полином Котельникова
Mozheiko L.A.
UDC: 611.379.018:612.375
Abstract: Objective. The aim is to analyze the current scientific data on the stellate cells of islets and their role in the endocrine system of the pancreas. Methods . The literature data of domestic and foreign authors on this subject was studied and summarized. Results. It was found that stellate cells are located in the extracellular matrix inside the islets and the surrounding connective tissue capsule. According to their functional state, the resting and activated phenotype of these cells are distinguished. Their morphofunctional characteristics are similar, but not identical to the stellate cells of the exocrine parenchyma. Genetic, morphological and phenotypic differences between stellate cells of islets and exocrine tissue were determined. It is shown that in pathological conditions under the influence of activating factors, fibrogenesis of islet stellate cells increases, which is accompanied by a decrease in the number of β-cells and a violation of their function. Conclusions. Paracrine and autocrine stimulation of islet stellate cells in pancreatic diseases such as type 2 diabetes at a late stage of the disease can contribute to islet fibrosis and endocrine cell dysfunction.
Key words: звездчатые клетки, поджелудочная железа, эндокринные островки
Pozhilova E.V., Novikov V.E.
UDC: 615.275.4
Abstract: Objective. Systematization and analysis of literature data on experimental and clinical studies of the effectiveness of ACTHneuropeptide in its preventive and therapeutic use. Methods. Collection, systematization and analysis of scientific literature data and results of own research on the relevant problem. Results. A review of the results of experimental and clinical studies on the therapeutic effectiveness of the original peptide drug semax (a synthetic analog of the ACTHfragment) with a detailed analysis of its physical, chemical and pharmacological properties is presented. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of the drug and possible mechanisms of their development are considered. It is shown that Semax shows nootropic and antihypoxic activity, has neuroprotective and stressprotective effects. Examples of successful use of the drug in the rehabilitation of patients with memory and motor skills disorders as a result of ischemic, traumatic and neurodegenerative brain lesions are given. The protective effects of ACTHneuropeptide can be caused by various mechanisms, including the expression of neurotrophin genes, the effect on the activity of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine), the effect on molecular triggers and mitochondrial targets. The prospects of using neuropeptide in clinical practice for other indications are discussed, for example, for the purpose of pharmacological regulation of adaptation processes to various stressors. Conclusion. Semax has a regulating effect on neurometabolic and neurotransmitter processes in the brain, so it has neuroprotective and nootropic properties. The drug increases the adaptive capacity of the body to hypoxia, cerebral ischemia, and is able to prevent stress-induced disorders of the body functions. The presence of stress-detecting activity allows it to be used for a wider range of indications. However, to expand the indications for clinical use of ACTH neuropeptide, further studies of the drug pharmacodynamics and justification of the effectiveness of its preventive and therapeutic use are necessary.
Key words: нейропептид АКТГ, семакс, нейропротекторное действие, ноотропное действие, стресспротекторное действие, гипоксия, ишемия
Dehnich N.N., Shemerovskij K.A., Safonova K.A., Silinkina E.D., Bavrina A.E., Ivako K.D., Lvova P.O., Khardikova A.V., Abushov I.G.
UDC: 616.34-07-053.82
Abstract: Objective. To determine the influence of various factors on the regularity of the intestinal circadian rhythm of 4th year medical faculty students of SSMU. Methods. 131 4th year students of the medical faculty of SSMU were interviewed. The dependence of the regularity of the intestinal circadian rhythm (rhythm with a frequency of defecation 7 times a week) was investigated on the position of the acrophase (the moment when the evacuation function of the bowel is realized) of the daily rhythm, nutrition quality, physical activity, body weight (BMI), sleep-wakefulness in addition the correlation of happiness level with the regularity of the intestinal circadian rhythm. Results. Signs of bradienteria were detected in 54% of students 80% of them were women. The lack of morning acrophase prevailed in individuals with bowel bradiarrhythmia (90%). The presence of blood group III was more often indicated by persons with delayed evacuation function of the intestine (24%). Malnutrition was noted by 64% of the students with bradienteria. 70% of the respondents with a slow enteral rhythm had an absence or low level of physical activity. 56% of the respondents with bowel bradiarrhythmia noted going to sleep after 1:00, an earlier period (23:00-24:00) was dominated by patients with euenteria (64%). In the group of students with bradiarrhythmia 71% of the respondents indicated a low level of happiness. Conclusion. In the majority of the interviewed students, bowel bradiarrhythmia was identified. The development of this enteral rhythm was promoted by the following factors: gender, blood type, absence of optimal (morning) acrophase, malnutrition, low level of physical activity in addition to late bedtime. Slowing down the evacuation function of the intestine leads to a decrease of the level of happiness of these individuals.
Key words: регулярность циркадного ритма кишечника, акрофаза, брадиэнтерия, эуэнтерия
Vvedensky D.V., Grishechkin V.Yu., Mikulich A.O.
UDC: 611.132-055.2
Abstract: Objective. To study the features of the morphometric parameters of the celiac trunk and mesenteric arteries in females with various types of physique. Methods. 97 computer tomograms of the abdominal part of the aorta and its unpaired branches were analyzed in adult women with different body types. According to the classification by V.N. Shevkunenko, all women studied were divided into groups with dolichomorphic, mesomorphic and brachymorphic body types. According to Pignet index, asthenic, normosthenic, and hypersthenic body types in women are distinguished. Results. It is established that body types according to V.N. Shevkunenko have fewer statistically significant parameters in the abdominal part of the aorta and its unpaired branches, but there are statistically significant differences between constitutional types identified using the Pignet index in the vast majority of the morphometric parameters studied. Conclusion. Due to the fact that the classification by V.N. Shevkunenko reflects to a greater degree the linear parameters of the body, and the Pignet index is also voluminous (chest girth, body weight), the latter provides a greater number of differences in the compared parameters of the abdominal aorta and its unpaired branches, including those depending on the type and degree of development of the abdominal fat fiber.
Key words: брюшная аорта, непарные ветви брюшной аорты, классификация В.Н. Шевкуненко, индекс Пинье, тип телосложения
Punin D.A.
UDC: 616.24
Abstract: Objective. To assess the influence of bronchial obstruction, pulmonary hyperinflation, and cardiovascular pathology on the results of CAT and mMRC test in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) using spirometry, bodyplethysmography, and applanation tonometry methods. Methods. The severity of dyspnea was determined with mMRC questionnaire and the severity of symptoms was assessed with CAT test in 95 patients with confirmed diagnosis of COPD. Bodypletismography and spirometry with a bronchodilator test were performed to measure the parameters of pulmonary ventilation. Applanation tonometry was performed in 73 patients. Results. The results of mMRC and CAT tests were dependant on the volume of forced expiration in the first second, bronchial resistance and vital capacity values. There were no links between the results of both mMRC and CAT tests and functional residual capacity. A higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) was detected in patients with severe symptoms according to CAT test, which was accompanied by a higher level of blood pressure and worse effectiveness of coronary blood flow in this group. At the same time, the prevalence of CVD was comparable in groups of patients with various severity of dyspnea according to the results of mMRC test. Conclusion. The results of CAT and mMRC are more dependent on the severity of bronchial obstruction than on lung hyperinflation. The presence of concomitant pathology may affect the results of the above tests. The CAT test can be used as a surrogate marker, indicating a higher probability of cardiovascular disease in patients with COPD with severe symptoms.
Key words: хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких, mMRC, CAT, спирометрия, бодиплетизмография, апплационная тонометрия
Punin A.A., Kravtsiva A.V., Proshina D.A.
Punin A.A., Kravtsiva A.V., Proshina D.A.
UDC: 616.24-008.444
Abstract: Objective. To study modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, detect the incidence of this disease in the Smolensk and Bryansk regions, as well as make a comparative assessment of the obtained incidence indicators. Methods. Retrospective analysis of the clinical history of patients with sleepy apnea. Interview of patients by questionnaire method, statistical processing and comparison of results using Fisher parametric criterion. Results. The patient examination algorithm includes complaints about snoring, breathing stops in sleep; diagnosis of screening methods allowing to suspect the disease; use of cardiorespiratory monitoring and polysomnography to confirm diagnosis and administration of SIPAP therapy. Conclusions. Due to the high incidence of sleepy apnea, various comorbid conditions, a significant deterioration in the quality of life of such patients, timely diagnosis and treatment are necessary.
Key words: храп, апноэ, индекс апноэ/гипопноэ, полисомнография
Morozova T.G., Simakina E.N.
UDC: 616-71:616.36-002
Abstract: Objective. To evaluate the role of ASL-perfusion of the liver in magnetic resonance imaging in patients with viral hepatitis. Methods. 107 patients with viral hepatitis (VH) were examined, including 65 (60.7%) men and 42 (39.3%) women, the average age of the patients was 47±5.3 years. All subjects (n=107) underwent abdominal ultrasound with a doppler study of blood vessels, clinical elastography - 88 (82.2%) patients, ASL-perfusion of the liver with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - 107 (100%) patients. The reference method was liver biopsy in 69 (64.4%) people. Results. The patients were observed for 9 months. It was found that in patients with minimal activity of hepatitis B, volumetric hepatic blood flow (HBF) according to ASL-perfusion of the liver with MRI ranged from 159 to 140 ml/100g/min, with moderate - 139-118 ml/100g/min, high - 117-40 ml/100g/min. A high correlation was observed with positive clinical and laboratory dynamics and an increase in ASL indicators-liver perfusion (r=0.889) (n=78); high correlation with negative clinical and laboratory dynamics and a decrease in ASL indicators-liver perfusion (r=0.887) (n=29). After treatment correction, 23 (79.3%) of 29 patients with negative clinical and laboratory dynamics and lack of dynamics of ASL indicators-liver perfusion showed an increase in hepatic blood flow, 6 (20.7%) patients with VH after 9 months of follow-up were diagnosed with cirrhosis. Conclusion. Thus, the results of ASL-liver perfusion allow timely correction of management tactics for patients with hepatitis B and to predict an unfavorable course of the pathology (AUC=0.893 (95% CI 0.874-0.949).
Key words: ASL-перфузия, магнитно-резонансная томография, вирусные гепатиты
Molotkova S.A., Volk T.G., Gurevich O.V., Dehnich N.N.
UDC: 616.155.191-0.53.84
Abstract: Objective. To present a clinical case of polycythemia vera with three-growth hyperplasia in a young patient. Methods. The article presents a clinical case of the asymptomatic course of polycythemia vera with three-growth hyperplasia in a young patient observed by the authors. Materials of outpatient and inpatients case histories, results of clinical, laboratory, cytogenetic and instrumental methods of examination were analysed. Results. In young patients, if three-growth hyperplasia is detected, it is mandatory to carry out molecular genetic examination by PCR method for the presence of mutation of CALR gene in 9th exon, BCR/ABL gene and JAK2 V617F for the purpose of differential diagnosis of polycythemia vera with other myeloproliferative diseases. An effective method of treatment is administration of combination therapy with peg-interferon, hydroxycarbamide and acetylsalicylic acid. Conclusion. Molecular genetic research is a reliable method of establishing a definitive diagnosis of erythremia. For the purpose of disease control, it is advantageous to use interferon preparations in the treatment in addition to hydroxymourea and antiaggregants.
Key words: эритремия, истинная полицитемия, мутация JAK2, миелопролиферативные заболевания
Krutikova N.Yu., Teschenkov A.V., Krikova A.V., Dmitrieva E.V.
UDC: 611/612-08
Abstract: Objective. To assess bone strength in children infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis. Methods. Features of physical development were assessed and quantitative ultrasound examination of the tubular bones of the upper and lower extremities was carried out in 132 patients, 177 infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Group VI of dispensary classification), 45 children comprised - a comparison group (Group 2 of dispensary classification) aged 5-15 years (9,3±4,2 years). The speed of the ultrasonic wave (SOS, m/s) and the integral Z-score were recorded. Z-score is a value that characterizes deviations in the rates of bone strength in a child compared with average rates for a particular age group and given in units of standard deviation. Bone strength rates were assessed in the 25-100 percentile range (Z-score above 0). The downward trend was established in sound velocity values in the range of 10-25 percentile (Z-score - 1 to 0 SD). Moderate decrease in bone strength was diagnosed at a sound speed below the 10th percentile (Z-score below - 1 SD). Significant decrease less than three percentiles (Z-score below - 2 SD). Results. Quantitative ultrasonometry identified that TB infected children had a significant decrease in bone strength compared to the age norms of 83.4%. Marked decrease in bone strength indicators was diagnosed in 11% children in the main group (no such children were found in the comparison group). Thus, children with low bone strength were significantly more common in the main group than in the control group (83.4% in group 1 and 37.7% in Group 2, p<0.01). Conclusion. More than 80% of children with latent tuberculosis infection have decreased bone strength. In this case, the severity of deviations increases with the duration of infection exposure. It is necessary to clarify the reasons for the observed process in children. Early diagnostics and treatment of musculoskeletal system disorders, multidisciplinary rehabilitation of these patients are the main factors for the improvement of treatment results, treatment of concomitant pathology, improving the quality of life and reducing disability in the group of children in the future.
Key words: остеоденситометрия, дети, латентная туберкулезная инфекция, прочность костной ткани
Prilutskaya V.A., Sukalo A.V., Goncharik A.V., Pavlovets M.V.
UDC: 616-053.31-071.3: 616.379-008.64
Abstract: Objective. To analyze the anthropometric and hormonal status features of newborns from mothers with diabetes mellitus (DM), taking into account pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI). Methods. 76 full-term neonates were examined: Gr1A - babies from mothers with type 1 diabetes and healthy BMI range (n = 25), Gr1B - from mothers with diabetes type 1 and pre-pregnancy BMI> 25 kg / m2 (n = 21), GrC - newborns from mothers without diabetes with healthy BMI range (n = 30). Results. We found out that babies from mothers with diabetes type 1 and overweight / obesity comorbidity had the most significant anthropometric and hormonal disorders. This group newborns is characterized by significantly higher direct and derived anthropometric parameters, a higher frequency of macrosomic neonates. Maternal pre-pregnancy weight, gestational weight gain correlated with leptin and IGF-1 cord blood levels. Leptin levels in the early neonatal period were higher in newborns from mothers with diabetes type 1 and pre-pregnancy BMI> 25 kg / m2. We established a positive correlation between the IGF-1 cord blood level and babies’ body weight (r = 0.608, p <0.01), body length (r=0.572, p<0.05); serum leptin concentration in the 1st day of life and neonates chest circumference (r=0.604, p<0.05), body weight (r=0.476, p<0.05). Conclusions. Further research will allow us to study details of maternal diabetes type 1 and obesity comorbidity effect on their newborns growth and hormonal characteristics.
Key words: лептин, адипонектин, ИФР-1, новорождённый, сахарный диабет, избыточная масса тела, макросомия
Andryukhina E.D., Mishcheryakov E.E., Semchenkova M.Y., Mikhalik D.S., Bondarenkova O.A., Zhukov G.V.
UDC: 611.31.613.84
Abstract: Objective. To study the impact of smoking on mucin level in human oral fluid.Methods. Oral fluid samples were taken in two groups of students - smokers and non-smokers (control group). The concentration of mucin in the oral fluid was determined by means of spectrophotometry.Results. The study revealed a decrease of mucin concentration in the oral fluid of smoking students as well as more frequent incidence of inflammatory changes in their oral tissues and teeth decay.Conclusion. Smoking results in decrease of mucin concentration in the oral fluid. It leads to frequent development of teeth decay in this group of subjects.
Key words: ротовая жидкость, муцин, курение, минерализующая способность
Kislyakova E.A., Ibragimova T.M., Gadzhimuradova S.G.
UDC: 616.8-053.4
Abstract: Objective. To examine ideomotor praxis (IP) in preschoolers and its impact on their health status and lifestyle. Methods. The study included 50 children aged 5 to 6 years attending the same group in a general education preschool facility. Evaluation of ideomotor praxis was carried out using the Ideomotor Praxis Representation (IPR). In addition, the health status of all preschoolers was evaluated (according to the medical records), and the lifestyle features of 45 children were identified (according to a survey of their parents using a specially developed questionnaire). Results. Lag in IP development from the standard for their age was identified in 48.0% of preschool children. A negative effect of frequent acute respiratory infections (ARI) in children on IP was found. Conclusion. Frequent ARIs in preschoolers are associated with a delay in the IP development.
Key words: идеомоторный праксис, дети, дошкольники, часто болеющие дети, острые респираторные заболевания, образ жизни
Sattorov H.I., Khojamurodov G.M., Shaimonov A.Kh., Khasanov M.A.
UDC: 616. 833-001:615. 841
Abstract: Objective. To study the practical significance of the use of electrical stimulation of motor portions for proximal damage to the nerves of the upper extremities. Methods. The authors examined 43 patients who applied to the Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery from 2011 to 2018, regarding proximal damage to the nerves of the upper extremities. Results. It was established that in the group of application of electrical stimulation in the proximal parts of the operated nerve, on average, 42 (39; 48) nerve fibers were detected under a microscopic increase in the field of view with an increase in the lens of 100%, more than 44% of which had dystrophic changes. In the distal regions, the average number of nerve fibers significantly decreased and amounted to 32 (26; 33) in the field of view. In 16 patients with injuries of the proximal nerves of the upper extremities compared with 27 patients with the same diagnosis, who were not electrostimulated, the advantage of this method were revealed. Functional results were much better both in the immediate and long-term follow-up. Conclusion. Introoperative electrical stimulation is one of the effective methods that facilitate the correct comparison of individual follicles of damaged nerves and should be used in modern reconstructive surgery of proximal and distal lesions to improve functional results in the long term.
Key words: проксимальные повреждения нервов верхних конечностей, электростимуляция, повреждения нервов, реконструкция нервов
Morozov M.V., Makarov Yu.M., Ermolaev I.V., Mikhalik D.S., Zhukov G.V.
UDC: 616.345:616-007.64
Abstract: Objective. To present the clinical cases of the diagnosed colon diverticles.Methods. A retrospective analysis of case report forms of patients hospitalized with acute abdominal pathology at the surgical department for the period 2016-2018 was performed. The number of verified cases of diverticular colon disease during the observed period was clarified. The authors analyzed Russian and foreign literature on the diagnosis and treatment of colon diverticulitis. Two clinical cases of the studied pathology are presented.Results. During the three-year follow-up period, diverticulitis of the colon was detected while hospitalization in only 7 cases (10.4%). The rest of patients were admitted to the surgical department due to various acute abdominal pathology masquerading as clinical cases of colon diverticulitis.Conclusion. Diverticulitis of the colon has many different symptoms. It may hide not only under the mask of other diseases of the abdominal cavity, but also falsely reveal itself in case of other surgical pathology. Concerning the diversity of patient’s complaints and objective examination data, therapists and surgeons need to be particularly aware and do not forget about the presence of colon diverticules.
Key words: дивертикулы, толстая кишка, клинический случай, лечение
Korneva Yu.S., Mikhailov A.V., Vinogradova T.A.
UDC: 616.61:615.036
Abstract: Objective. To compare the effectiveness of the registered drug Urolesan and biologically active supplement Prolit against the main pathogenetic mechanisms of this pathology. Methods. As a model of oxalate urolithiasis a standard technique was applied with the use of ethylene glycol in the form of drinking for rats. The results of a morphological study of rats’ kidneys after treatment with Prolit and Urolesan® are presented. The presence and quantity of oxalate crystals, the severity of inflammation and sclerotic changes were assessed in the kidney tissue on 10 and 16 days after the onset of the treatment. Statistical analysis was performed, using Mann-Whitney test. The severity of morphological changes was compared both between the investigated groups at the same time during treatment, and between the groups in the course of treatment with intact and untreated rats. Results. It was found that both drugs are effective for oxalate crystals removing; after Prolit application during 10 days the most pronounced decrease in the amount of salts was revealed compared to Urolesan® application; after 16 days of treatment the severity of infiltration and sclerotic changes in the stroma of kidneys was significantly reduced in the group of rats treated with Prolit. Conclusion. The rapidly developing effect of Prolit should be taken into account to correct treatment regimens in the direction of reducing their duration.
Key words: мочекаменная болезнь, фитотерапия, оксалаты, воспаление
Dmitriev I.V., Dorosevich A.E.
UDC: 616-053.3
Abstract: Objective. To show features of hemorrhagic manifestations in neonatal sepsis Methods. Full retrospective analysis of 89 autopsy protocols of newborn children with pathoanatomic diagnosis of sepsis was performed. Based on the data received, 3 groups were identified. First group included children with only sepsis manifestations and without clinically and morphologically significant hemorrhagic manifestations. Second group - children with sepsis and single localized clinically and morphologically significant hemorrhagic manifestations. Third group - children with sepsis and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) syndrome. Results. Regarding the body weight of children in each of the three groups, children with a weight of less than 1000g (50.0%, 44.4% and 44.5%) prevailed. Also, in each of the three groups, the average age of women was 31 years and the gestational age in these groups varied slightly for about 30 weeks. The analysis of data on the average life span revealed statistically significant differences between children without hemorrhage and children with DIC syndrome. The most frequent hemorrhagic manifestations were bilateral intra-ventricular hemorrhages (62.9% and 63.9%). However, DIC syndrome and chronic productive inflammation did not play a significant role in the genesis of intraventricular hemorrhages. The qualitative composition of microorganisms in groups of children without hemorrhagies, children with single hemorrhagies and children with DIC syndrome was relatively heterogeneous. Thereby, in the First group associations of microorganisms predominated (68.8%), Klebsiella pneumoniae was the leader from monocultures, and staphylococci with streptococci were not isolated. In the second group of associations, it was 35.6%, and monocultures of gram-positive aerobic cocci of the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus predominated. In the Third group of associations of microorganisms, it was already half as much (18.8%) as compared with the second group and three times less as compared with the Third group. It has a domination with monocultures. A number of microorganisms - Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterococcus faecali s were found only in associations. In terms of the qualitative composition of monocultures and associations of microorganisms, the first and second groups were different by 80%, the first and third groups were varied by 84%, the second and third groups - by 80%, and all three groups had the same microflora in only 12%. Conclusions. Boys died by 2.5 times more often from neonatal sepsis. In 44-50% of cases, the body weight of children was less than 1000 g. Children were born with an average gestational age of 30 weeks by women whose average age was 31 years. The presence of productive inflammation in the subependymal zone is not a significant factor in the genesis of intraventricular hemorrhage with neonatal sepsis. The same applies to DIC syndrome, which in neonatal sepsis is only one of many, but not the leading risk factor for the development of intraventricular hemorrhage. However, in case of hemorrhages in the adrenal glands, lungs, liver, stomach and intestinal wall in neonatal sepsis, DIC syndrome plays a statistically significant role, although with different degrees of expression. In neonatal sepsis, certain monocultures of microorganisms and their associations may to some extent affect the presence of individual hemorrhagic complications and DIC syndrome. Although, in order to completely confirm these conclusions, further deeper research is needed. Hemorrhagic complications in neonatal sepsis are essential to child survival.
Key words: неонатальный сепсис, кровоизлияния в желудочки головного мозга, ДВС-синдром, микроорганизмы
Bon L.I.
UDC: 616.12-009.7
Abstract: Objective. Analysis and synthesis of data on the characteristics of psychogenic disorders of the cardiovascular system. Methods. Collection, systematization and analysis of modern scientific literature data and research results on the relevant problem from the PubMed database. Results. Violation of the cardiovascular system occurs mainly due to functional disorders of the internal organs. The so-called cardioneurosis, which is a psychosomatic pathology necessary for working at the level of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems and causing a decrease in the body's resistance to physical activity and stressful situations, due to the influence of factors that are one of the most common psychosomatic diseases. Conclusion. Correct assessment of psychoemotional factors, taking into account the personality structure of patients, leads to adequate diagnosis and correction of cardiovascular diseases, as well as warnings about disorders and repeated hospitalizations.
Key words: сердечно-сосудистая система, кардионевроз, кардиофобия
Evseev A.V., Avdeeva T.G., Usachev R.K., Danilov A.I., Krechikova O.I.
UDC: 616-053.2-089.5
Abstract: Objective . Assessment of pathogenetic mechanisms of postoperative period according to the study of hypoxic and immunological status in operated children and adolescents with somatic diseases undergoing general anesthesia to optimize dispensary observation and rehabilitation measures. Methods. To prepare the review, literature sources, regulatory documents, medical documentation of operated children and adolescents in some medical institutions in Smolensk, and our own results based on the results of the research were used. The emphasis is made on the possibility of using the dynamics of changes in the hypoxic factor and the immunological status of a child in the pre-, intra- and postoperative periods in the diagnostic and prognostic terms in children and adolescents undergoing general anesthesia. Results. Based on our own data obtained in the course of exploratory research and analysis of literary sources, the prospect of an in-depth study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the postoperative period in children and adolescents with concomitant pathology was noted to optimize the system of dispensary observation and the necessary rehabilitation measures. Conclusion. In children and adolescents, due to their anatomical and physiological characteristics, various complications often occur both during the operation and in the postoperative period. This is due to the rate of increase in hypoxic processes and the peculiarities of immunological protection against the background of various concomitant somatic diseases. The need to take into account age characteristics, gender and the choice of the method of general anesthesia in the corresponding category of children and adolescents is noted.
Key words: дети, подростки, общий наркоз, соматические заболевания, гипоксия, иммунологический статус
Kesyan G.A., Urazgildeev R.Z., Karapetyan G.S., Arsenyev I.G., Levin A.N., Kesyan O.G., Shuyskiy A.A.
UDC: 616-001+617.3
Abstract: Objective. To determine the stages of development and trends in treatment of intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus using data from domestic and foreign literature. Methods. Systematic analysis of domestic and foreign literature sources devoted to the problem under study. Results. A brief historical overview is given, and the main principles of treatment of intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus are highlighted, which have been established and improved due to the accumulation of treatment experience and scientific and technical progress. The conditions for favorable treatment outcomes are: anatomic reposition of fragments, early execution of movements in the elbow joint, creation of conditions for reliable fixation of fragments in order to avoid their displacement during the development of movements, the choice of minimally traumatic operative access and method of fixation of fragments, the use of combined methods of osteosynthesis in complex cases. Conclusions. The search for optimal treatment methods is still underway, new fixators and materials for implants are being developed, which confirms the relevance of further study of the problem of intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus.
Key words: локтевой сустав, мыщелок плечевой кости, внутрисуставной перелом, остеосинтез
Shamilov A.A., Pozdnyakov D.I., Garsiya E.R., Chernikov M.V.
UDC: 615.322/615.254.1
Abstract: Objective. Under experimental conditions, to evaluate the diuretic properties and the effect on the electrolyte composition of blood serum of ethanol and water extracts obtained from Prunella vulgaris L., Prunella laciniata L. and Prunella grandiflora L. herb. Methods. The study was performed on male Wistar rats, which 30 minutes before the water load were administered the test-extracts at a dose of 100 mg/kg to 2.5% of body weight and reference drugs: furosemide at a dose of 10 mg/kg and spironolactone at a dose of 25 mg/kg. After 6 hours, the volume of urine released in the rats was recorded and blood was collected to determine the concentration of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium ions. Results. During the study, it was found that among of the test-extracts, the most pronounced diuretic properties are water extracts obtained from Prunella vulgaris L., Prunella laciniata L. and Prunella grandiflora L. herb, against the background of which administration the volume of urine in rats increased (in relation to intact animals) by 3.9 times (p<0.05); 3.7 times (p<0.05) and 4.1 times (p<0.05), respectively. At the same time, when using the test water extracts relative to intact animals, there was a decrease in the concentration of sodium and calcium ions, accompanied by an increase in the content of magnesium, and potassium in the blood serum was noted. It is worth noting that when ethanol extracts from Prunella vulgaris L., Prunella laciniata L. and Prunella grandiflora L. herb were administered to rats, no statistically significant changes in the studied parameters were found in comparison with the intact group of animals. Conclusion. Water extracts obtained from Prunella vulgaris L. , Prunella laciniata L. and Prunella grandiflora L. herb have a diuretic activity with the preservation of serum concentrations of magnesium and potassium ions, comparable to those of spironolactone.
Key words: диуретики, черноголовка, растительные извлечения, электролиты
Gulyaev D.K., Sumenkova A.M., Belonogova V.D., Rudakova I.P., Kuritsyn A.V.
UDC: 615.246.2
Abstract: Objective. Research of the composition and sorption activity of polysaccharides of pine cones and woody greens. Methods. The samples of pine cones and woody greens were collected on a pine forest cutting area in August 2018. The polysaccharides composition was determined by the ascending paper chromatography. The polysaccharides acute toxicity was determined by the method of V. Prozorovsky. Sorption activity was determined by the ability to bind methylene blue in mg/g. Results. It was found that the polysaccharide molecules of pine cone and woody greens pectin substances are constructed of arabinose, galactose, galacturonic acid, and the cones water-soluble polysaccharide complex consists of arabinose and galacturonic acid. According to the results of acute toxicity determination, all the studied substances are related to the class of low toxic substances with LD50>5000 mg/kg. The water-soluble polysaccharide complex of pine cones shows the highest level of sorption activity - about 309.78±0.45 mg/g, which exceeds the activity of standard medication: absorbent carbon and colloidal silicon dioxide (Polysorb). Pine woody greens polysaccharides were less active. Conclusion. The water-soluble polysaccharide complex of pine cones exhibits the strong sorption activity and is budding for further research with the purpose of absorbent medications development.
Key words: сосна обыкновенная, древесная зелень, шишки, полисахариды, острая токсичность, сорбционная активность
Glushchenko S.N., Kurkin V.A., Shmygareva A.A., Sankov A.N.
UDC: 615.322:547.97+543.544
Abstract: Objective. Development and implementation of methods for the quantitative determination of anthracen derivatives in Aloe arborescens leaves using UV spectrophotometry. Methods. Quantitative determination of total anthracen derivatives in the leaves of Aloe arborescens was carried out calculated on barbaloin. The electronic spectra were recorded using a Unico 2800 spectrophotometer in the wavelength range of 190-700 nm in cuvettes with a layer thickness of 10 mm, ultrasonic bath Vilitec VBS with a frequency of 40 kHz. UV spectra of aqueous-alcoholic and alkaline-ammonia solutions of aloe arborescens leaves were studied. The object of this study were fresh samples of Aloe arborescens leaves cultivated at the department of management and economics of pharmacy, pharmaceutical technology and pharmacognosy of the Orenburg State Medical University (2019). Since the quantitative determination method in the leaves and shoots of aloe tree is absent in the XIV edition of State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, the method to define anthracenedione directly in the test solution was applied calculated on barbaloin without hydrolysis and oxidation. Results. Using the developed method of quantitative analysis, the amount of anthracen derivatives calculated on barbaloin in fresh leaves of Aloe arborescens, which varies from 3-5%, was determined. Conclusions. When conducting a quantitative analysis of fresh leaves of Aloe arborescens , the percentage of the active substance of Aloe arborescens - barbaloin was found.
Key words: алоэ древовидное, листья, антраценпроизводные, барбалоин, количественное определение, УФ-спектрофотометрия
Kuryljova M.A., Kirshhina I.A.
UDC: 615.15
Abstract: Objective. To study the international and Russian requirements for the choice of oral care products (SGPR) and to assess the consumer behavior and information needs of minor children and parents with regard to the prevention of dental diseases. Methods. The study used a system approach consisting of 3 steps: analysis of international and Russian recommendations and publications on the choice of oral care products; analysis of pharmacy products presented to the pharmacy organization to meet the demand for oral care products; study of consumer behavior in the selection of oral care products using questionnaires developed by authors. Results. As a result of the analysis of sources of foreign and Russian literature, criteria for the selection of oral care products for children of different age categories were formed. It was established that temporary and permanent teeth during the growth and development of the child are accompanied by a number of anatomical and physiological features of the structure of solid tissues, which makes it necessary to carefully care for the teeth of children using SGPR in accordance with age throughout the child's growing up. It was revealed that the pharmacy assortment presents an insufficient range for rational selection of toothpaste (on the example of toothpaste) in terms of age categories established by the toothpaste manufacturer (from 0 to 3 years, from 3 (4) to 7 (8) years (depending on the brand), from 6 to 12 years, from 8 to 18 years, from 12 to 18 years). It is noted that from the age of 8 many parents independently "transfer" children to adult SGPR. The questionnaire revealed insufficient competence of children and adults to prevent dental risks. We established that in most cases (67%), children of school age (10 to 17 years) and parents (57%) require expert advice in the selection of oral hygiene products. Conclusion. The SGPR for children of different ages are characterized by fundamental differences in composition and other parameters and has significant differences from similar products for adults. Pharmacy organizations present an insufficient range of SGPR from the point of view of meeting the target needs of children of different age categories, taking into account the physiological peculiarities of the child's development and their dental status. The authors updated the need for health education of the population on the basis of a professional approach in the formation of a pharmacy range and the implementation of the SGPR within the framework of sanitary education activities of pharmaceutical specialists.
Key words: фармацевтический работник, средства гигиены полости рта для детей, профилактика стоматологических заболеваний у детей, санитарное просвещение детей и родителей